Student Testimonials

Student Testimonials

Our Students

During the past 10 years, MIM has received students from 76 different countries. Our students have thrived during their time in New York City, with some even earning paid internships at New York City companies, thanks to the school’s J-1 visa program.

With the main academic requirement to enter the DIBA program being a Bachelor’s Degree, we have received a wide range of students from ages 24-51 for this program. New York City is all about diversity and MIM is no different so we welcome students from all different backgrounds, genders, cultures, religions, and creeds.




Internship Placement




"MIM will give you a chance to network with brilliant-minded individuals who will give
you a different view of taking things in. Staying and living in NYC is another story, as
each day is an adventure on its own. It is indeed true, that once you make it in NYC,
you can make it anywhere; and MIM is a great partner to jumpstart that dream.."

Julienne Manansala

"Studying at the Manhattan Institute of Management (MIM) was a truly remarkable
experience. During my program at MIM, I have not only met great people from all around the world, but I have also gained valuable knowledge in many fields of business.”

Nicholai Ozan

"MIM was perfect for me. The staff is very dedicated to each student. The professors at
MIM were also very skilled. They make sure that you like the class and get the most
out of it. The most positive aspect of this experience was that before coming at MIM, I
was extremely shy. I couldn't speak in front of people. Today, I'm much more assertive
thanks to MIM."

Mathieu Connan



Our graduates thrive at small startups and big businesses alike.

From growing brands to Fortune 500 companies, our graduates are currently enjoying success in a variety of settings.

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